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1Registration data
2Study data
3Review and submit

CDR Study Meta-data Form

Thank you for your collaboration in filling out this form. Your study’s information will be included in the browser and will contribute to the interactive visualisations here on the CCB website.

Your study data

Welcome to the Study Meta-data Form of the CCB’s Central Data Repository!

We appreciate you taking the time to provide us with the essential information about your study. The CDR aims to provide an overview of the current ID research environment to the European Commission, other funding bodies, research groups, and stakeholders.

The form was designed to be as brief and functional as possible; it should take just 10 minutes to complete. Don’t worry if you can’t finish right away, the draft form can be saved.

The form comprises five short sections: basic contact information, study information, harmonisation, funding, and links.

If you find pre-filled data that has been gathered by our researchers from your publications, please confirm it is correct.

Registration data

Please add below the basic contact information for the study principal investigators (PIs).

Ensure your password is at least 8 characters with a mix of upper and lowercase letters, numbers, and special symbols (e.g., !@#$%^&*)