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1Registration data
2Study metadata
3Review and submit

CDR Study Meta-data Form

Thank you for your collaboration in filling out this form. Your study’s information will be included in the browser and will contribute to the interactive visualisations here on the CCB website.

Welcome to the Central Data Repository

Welcome to the Central Data Repository (CDR) – a cohort browser to collect and present accurate and up-to-date European cohorts studying infectious diseases with pandemic potential (IDEPP).

We ask you for 10 minutes to complete the questionnaire about the basic cohort’s meta-data you’re supervising. The form asks for the study’s data dictionary (eCRF).

It will only be used to extract information about the collected variables and will remain confidential. By directly collecting the Data Dictionary we aim to minimize the time needed for the form.

The information you provide will be included in the freely available CDR browser, contribute to interactive visualizations, and will be presented in the individual cohort view. The CDR is aimed at peer scientists so they can find each other, the European Commission to provide an overview, and other funding bodies to strengthen collaboration, coordination, and pandemic preparedness.

The CDR is in the process of development. Our goal is for it to be as time-efficient, innovative, and informative as possible. Please let us know if you have any suggestions, questions, collaboration ideas, or other uses for CDR.

Registration data

Please add below the basic contact information for the study principal investigators (PIs).

Ensure your password is at least 8 characters with a mix of upper and lowercase letters, numbers, and special symbols (e.g., !@#$%^&*)