Working Group on the role of cohorts in pandemic preparedness
This working group, formally led by Ali Judd (VERDI), is now led by Lauren Maxwell, from the CONTAGIO project, and aims to discuss and understand better the role of cohort studies with regards to preparedness plans. The WG currently comprises 32 representatives from various projects including ORCHESTRA, ReCoDID, VERDI, EuCARE, CoVICIS, unCoVer, END-VOC, VACCELERATE and ECRAID. The WG is currently completing primary research with the cohorts within the CCB, to understand their experience of the COVID-19 pandemic and how cohorts can be better utilised to prepare Europe for future pandemics.
If you would like to be involved, contact us.

Working Group on Long COVID
This working group, led by José Peñalvo from the unCoVer project, meets with the goal of collecting valuable information about Post-COVID-19 syndrome (PCS). The WG currently includes 27 representatives from various projects like ORCHESTRA, unCoVer, VERDI, EUCARE, ENDVOC, VACCELERATE, COVICIS, as well as institutions such as the Norwegian Institute of Public Health (NIPH) and the Dutch National Institute for Public Health and Environment (RIVM), among others. The group is currently working to create an eCRF for general post-viral syndromes, considering that ORCHESTRA has already created an eCRF for Long COVID and based on other projects referencing dedicated eCRF in their research.
If you would like to be involved, contact us.

Working Group on data standardisation across cohorts and trials
This working group, led by Lauren Maxwell from the CONTAGIO project, aims to encourage the standardisation of data across cohorts and trials, by first understanding which standard ontologies are used by the CCB cohorts and TCB trials. A survey has been completed by CCB and TCB members, and the results are being written into a white paper due to be published in 2024.
If you would like to be involved, contact us.

Working Group for Prioritisation of Variables and Pathogens
This brand-new working group, led by Massimo Mirandola and Alessia Savoldi from the ORCHESTRA project, focusses on the automated selection of variables and pathogens for the development of useful, effective eCRFs. The working group operates in conjunction with working groups from other EU-funded initiatives, nominally VERDI and COMECT, in the fields of HIV, STIs and Monkeypox, and in the field of infectious diseases with epidemic and pandemic potential. Thus, the activities of the working group will benefit the cohort landscape in general, providing new tools for researchers and improving preparedness. Stronger, better results resulting from these coordinated activities are expected to inform adequately powered RCTs for treatment and prevention. This working group will also contact other relevant initiatives to explore collaborations and synergies.
If you would like to be involved, contact us.