Home Events - Cohort Coordination Board Webinars Best practices in complex trials: clinical operations, management and patient engagement

Best practices in complex trials: clinical operations, management and patient engagement

CoMeCT is hosting its first annual best practices workshop. Particular attention will be drawn to clinical operations, management and patient engagement through 5 insightful sessions featuring presentations from leading experts in the field.

We will have the pleasure of being joined by Inge Christoffer Olsen (Oslo universitetssykehus ), Clare Relton (Queen Mary University of London), Jacques Demotes Mainard (ECRIN (European Clinical Research Infrastructure Network), Lorna Lean (European Medicines Agency), and Nikos Dedes (European Patients’​ Forum).

This meeting is open to all involved in CoMeCT including those on the Trial Coordination Board and the Cohort Coordination Board. We also welcome regulators and ethics committees, patient and patient organisations, data protection authorities, funding bodies, HTA bodies, and members of the HERA.

September 17, 2024| 13-16H CEST

Register now: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZUpd-ihqj0tHdWaPetO6STGVW2BV1txbCTI


Sep 17 2024


13:00 - 16:00

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