The Long COVID project consortium is pleased to invite you to the 1st Long COVID project webinar “Unlocking the Mysteries of Long COVID: How EU Funding is Paving the Way for Recovery!”.

The Long COVID project consortium is pleased to invite you to the 1st Long COVID project webinar “Unlocking the Mysteries of Long COVID: How EU Funding is Paving the Way for Recovery!”.
Ecraid Training Modules on Adaptive Clinical Trial Designs: A free six-part online course introducing the future of clinical trials. Featuring leading experts, including:
Point-of-care Testing for Sexually Transmitted Infections: results of an independent multi-country clinic-based and clinic-utility evaluation of STI diagnostics (PRoSPeRo project).
With Prof. Paolo Palma, MD, PhD, Responsabile UOC di Immunologia Clinica e Vaccinologia, IRCCS Ospedale Pediatrico Bambino Gesù, Rome, Italy Routine vaccination is among the most effective clinical interventions to prevent diseases as it is estimated to save over 3 million lives every year. However, the full potential of global immunization programs is not realised