Cohort Coordination Board expands beyond COVID-19 and welcomes five new mpox cohorts
At the end of 2024 the Cohort Coordination Board (CCB) expanded its membership to include cohort studies targeting any infectious disease with epidemic or pandemic potential (IDEPP), welcoming five new cohorts of mpox: ITM Antwerp, MoVIHvax, German Mpox Cohort, VIHMIR, and MPOX-ICONA Cohort. See more information about these five cohorts below. German Mpox CohortThe German

Cohort Coordination Board representatives in Barcelona for Long COVID Conference
Last week, Lorenzo Maria Canziani, from the ID-CARE Team at the University of Verona, attended the Demystifying Long COVID International Conference 2024, presenting the Cohort Coordination Board (CCB) and hosting an engaging networking event for the Board. The CCB, coordinated by the ID-CARE team at the University of Verona, is a forum that brings together cohort-based

The use of automation in the CoMeCT project: UNIVR in Athens for the 34th Medical Informatics Europe (MIE2024) Conference.
Anna Gòrska from the ID-CARE Team at the University of Verona attended the 34thMedical Informatics Europe (MIE2024) Conference in Athens, Greece, on August 27th to present her work titled: Towards autonomous living meta-analyses: a framework for automation of systematic reviews and meta-analyses. The team has been working towards automating the systematic review and meta-analysis processes since the ValueDX

First CoMeCT Workshop: Best practices in complex trials: clinical operations, management and patient engagement
CoMeCT is hosting its first annual best practices workshop. Particular attention will be drawn to clinical operations, management and patient engagement through 5 insightful sessions featuring presentations from leading experts in the field. We will have the pleasure of being joined by Inge Christoffer Olsen (Oslo universitetssykehus ), Clare Relton (Queen Mary University of London),

New member joins the Cohort Coordination Board: The VEBIS Network
The VEBIS network (Vaccine Effectiveness, Burden and Impact Studies), which joined the Cohort Coordination Board earlier this year, aims to provide technical support to the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control to build an infrastructure to allow regular monitoring of COVID-19 and influenza vaccine effectiveness over time, using a multi-country approach. The VEBIS platform

Cohort Coordination Board (CCB) attends the latest Network of Experts on Long COVID (NELC) meeting.
On the 26th of June, Prof. Evelina Tacconelli, Chair of the Cohort Coordination Board (CCB), was invited to attend the regular meeting of the Network of Experts on Long COVID (NELC). She presented an overview of the CCB, including its composition and objectives, before discussing recommendations of specific research priorities for Long COVID, from the members of the

CCB Member, EuCARE, Achieves Milestones in Patient Enrolment and Research
EuCARE Surpasses 50,000 Patient Milestone! The EuCARE initiative has reached a significant milestone, enrolling over 50,000 patients across its clinical cohorts. These cohorts include the Hospitalised cohort, focusing on patients with COVID-19, and the Post-COVID cohort (PASC), investigating long-term sequelae of the virus. Enrollment status for clinical studies Unprecedented Progress in Research: EuCARE Laboratory Network

Newly published: First Report of the Cohort Coordination Board
The first activity report of the Cohort Coordination Board (CCB), published earlier this year, covers the activities and updates of the CCB since its conception on 29th April 2022 to the end of 2023. The report pays particular attention to the inclusion of the CCB into the EU-financed ORCHESTRA, VERDI and CoMeCT projects. Within the

Learn more about the CCB at the ECCMID Networking Corner
Representatives of the CCB will be present at the ECCMID Networking Corner on Monday 29th April from 9:30 until 10:00, where they will be happy to give more information on the CCB and answer any questions attendees may have. If you’re at ECCMID this year, why not pop by and say hello. A video, featuring

The Cohort Coordination Board abstract accepted for an Oral Presentation at ECCMID 2024.
The European Congress of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases is one of the largest and the foremost congresses in the field of infection, bringing together >16,000 colleagues from all over the world for scientific education, networking and exchange.