END-VOC Resources

VERDI Resources

EuCARE Database

COVID-19 Data Portal

EuCARE Library of Variants

DARWIN-EU: Join the Network

Horizon Results Booster

The FAIR Cookbook

Useful resources developed by the CCB members, for both new cohorts embarking on data collection and established cohorts interested in collaboration with an introduction of the Central Data Repository and the eCRF.
The Central Data Repository (CDR), currently under construction, will gather and display metadata from the cohort studies (CSs) across Europe targeting COVID-19, Mpox and Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs), through our work within the EU-funded VERDI project. As per the CoMeCT project, this CDR will later be expanded to include not only CSs, but also sections for Randomised Clinical Trials (RCTs) and Adaptive Platform Trials (APTs) and vaccine trials targeting infectious diseases with epidemic and pandemic potential (IDEPP).
Continuous mapping activities will be performed to ensure that the CDR is updated and able to provide a reliable overview of current studies. The CDR will be user-friendly and publicly available, with the information displayed in tables and graphics, and organised using filters. In order to upload their metadata, study PIs will be sent a link to login. The aim of this CDR is twofold: on the one hand, to avoid duplication of effort and foster collaboration between projects and initiatives. On the other hand, it will provide a constant overview of running CSs, RCTs and APTs for the European Commission and all relevant stakeholders to facilitate the rapid activation of studies and response to new threats and unmet clinical needs in the context of pandemic preparedness plans.
We are actively looking to collaborate with other initiatives working in this area, and we welcome you to contact us if you are interested in collaboration.
Within the EU-funded VERDI project, the CCB has been developing a core dataset of variables to be collected for MPX and STI cohorts. Similarly, a core set of variables will be provided also for all IDs with epidemic or pandemic potential, as defined within the CoMeCT project. This will allow researchers from all over the world to use standardised items when investigating specific ID conditions, with the overarching result of providing clearer, more reliable results. Included in this work is the elaboration of an eCRF, that will be publicly available and downloadable as an Excel file.
We are actively looking to collaborate with other initiatives working in this area, and we welcome you to contact us if you are interested in collaboration.